• January 31, 2023
  • Admin
  • 0

An Sms consists a certain number of characters. The limit is different for English and Unicode Sms.

In Bulk Messaging service the message cost will be calculated based on the Sms count. If your message has upto 160 characters, cost of one Sms will be deducted. If your message has characters upto 306, cost of 2 SMS will be deducted.

As soon as the number of characters increase in the message box, automatically it will be show the count and the count will get increased to 2 Sms, 3 Sms and so on.

Character Limit for English Sms

SMS Length( No of characters) SMS Count
1-160 1
161-306 2
307-459 3
460-612 4
613-765 5
766-918 6
919-1071 7
1072-1224 8
1225-1377 9
1378-1530 10

Character Limit for Unicode Sms

SMS Length (No of characters) SMS Count
1-70 1
71-133 2
134-199 3
200-265 4
266-331 5

Amount will be calculated based on the SMS count. Suppose there are 140 characters in your SMS. Then cost of 1 Sms will be deducted from your sms balance. If there are 185 characters in your SMS. Then cost of 2 Sms will be deducted.



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